Powerboat Regatta on the Manatee River

Here at SCS Gearbox, we’re interested in the responsible use of our high performance vehicle technologies. Innovation and ingenuity are often capable of accomplishing new levels of vehicle performance that produce a lower environmental impact at the same time. It’s good to see a generation of vehicle enthusiasts who are interested in sustaining the environment… Read more »

How To Maintain Your Powerboat

O wning a boat is quite a thrill and a check mark off of many bucket lists. But just like owning a car, a boat needs to have routine maintenance performed to ensure it is always running properly. Powerboats are on the rise in popularity these days. Not only is keeping the boat clean important,… Read more »

Monster Jam Party in The Pits Maps

Monster Jam is a live event that sweeps across the country. The thousands of spectators can expect a night of entertainment watching the monster trucks race and crush their much smaller counterparts. This event is great for everyone. The thrill of hearing the roar of engines from the over-sized, spruced up trucks is a true… Read more »

Popular Powerboat Racing Questions

The sport of powerboat racing is such an adrenaline rush. Just like Nascar drivers, powerboat operators need to be in the know about boat mechanics and safety before cruising the water. Powerboat racing can easily be a recreational activity or a sporting event. The thrill is a guarantee for the one driving and the ones… Read more »

Monster Trucks: A Few Fun Facts

The monster truck, which used to be found in only certain parts of the country, can now be seen everywhere.  Typically they were constructed by marrying a pick-up truck style vehicle with huge tires and suspension. They are used in competitions and for entertainment, and stunts can include, jumping, donut, and car crushing. The more… Read more »

The Safety of Monster Truck Shows

Monster truck shows are widely popular across the country. While the entertainment level is always taken up a notch for guest excitement, show coordinators first go the extra mile with safety. At a monster truck event, you can expect strict safety procedure is put in place so as not to disrupt the spectator’s ability to… Read more »

Fun Facts About Tractor Pulling Events

Who would have ever thought hooking things up to a tractor for it to pull would become such a rising form of entertainment? But the truth is that tractor pulling is a highly successful event with popularity across the country. This type of competition has quite a long history and many of the tractors that… Read more »

Getting into Boat Racing

Boat racing is an extremely popular sporting event that attracts millions of people. Testing a boat’s agility and speed as well as showcasing the driver’s skill encompass the thrills of why boat owners partake in such sport. In order to be part of an official boat race, you have to complete various steps. These steps… Read more »