How to Prepare for a Monster Truck Event

Monster Truck Shows Are you getting ready to go to your very first monster truck event? You might not know exactly what to expect from it. You also might be wondering what steps you should take to prepare yourself and your kids for all the action you’re going to see.

Purchase ear plugs to wear during the event.

Monster truck events can get loud. Very loud. It can actually get so loud inside of an arena that your ears might physically hurt. You can prevent the noise from taking a toll on you by purchasing ear plugs for yourself and your kids if they’re coming along. You might not ever need to use them. But if the noise gets to be too much, it’s good to know that you’ve got a pair of ear plugs in your pocket.

Watch monster truck videos to see what you can expect.

If you want to get a sense of what you’re going to see when you attend a monster truck event, there are tons of YouTube videos that you can check out. These videos will give you a better idea of just how loud it can be at monster truck shows. They can also let you check out some of the tricks you’ll witness in person. If you want to get your kids excited about attending a monster truck show, one or two videos should sell them on just how much fun they’re going to have.

Wear something that you can get dirty.

You don’t want to wear your Sunday’s best when you show up at a monster truck show. There is a lot of dirt and dust in the air at shows, and it can lead to your clothing getting a little bit dirty. It’s best to wear something that you won’t mind getting dirty at the show. You should also consider layering up at a monster truck show, even if it’s going to be held inside. It can get a little bit chilly at shows, and you don’t want to end up having to leave early because one of your kids is too cold.

While you’re busy making these preparations, the monster truck drivers out there will be doing their part to get ready for their shows. Many turn to SCS Gearbox for the equipment they need to keep their trucks in tip-top condition. Call us at 419-483-7278 if you ever need quick change drop boxes, torsion bars, jack shafts, and more for monster trucks.